Monday, June 25, 2007

Who we are....

3rd District Common Agenda
Responsible Citizenship creates Accountable Leadership

What we believe:
Politics is a collective effort to govern in a fair, just, and responsible manner. Open dialogue and debate about the ideas and substance of the issues at hand is necessary to keep and maintain a healthy democratic system that does not denigrate into a system of corruption, fear tactics, manipulation, and apathy. It is the responsibility and duty of citizens to promote and defend the ideals they believe in and maintain the collective structure necessary to achieve a government that is responsive, representative, and just.

What we stand for:

Health Care for all– working at a local level to promote and increase awareness of the ideas and campaigns of national groups, organizations, and politicians–from all parties--who are working to help America join the rest of the industrialized world by creating some form of health care system where every citizen has coverage.

Election Reform- working to get Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) on the ballot and made into law. Voters are able to express their true preferences without worrying about wasting their votes or spoiling the election and helping elect their least favorite candidate. Removes the need for expensive run-off elections, creates more choices for voters, and deters campaigns from going negative due to the fact that candidates will be forced to appeal to their base but also reach out to the broader voting population in order to be acceptable to the majority; keeping politics about ideas and governing not partisanship and negative campaigning.

Promotion of Human Rights– Working with National and International groups to help protect and promote Human Rights at home and abroad.

Creating a Responsive Media through letter writing campaigns and use of the internet tools (youtube, blogs) to bring attention to issues of concern

Helping to empower voters with the knowledge needed to understand issues that impact them directly by creating access to information, experts, and outside organizations that specialize on issues of concern.

Ending Voter Apathy by organizing public forums and community debates on issues of importance; stimulating dialogue between elected officials, local political parties, local media, and voters.

Helping to end global poverty by supporting and raising funds for initiatives and programs (such as micro-loan programs, and education stipends/scholarships) to promote economic development and infrastructure within the 3rd world.

Working to create a sustainable environment by raising awareness of environmental issues and the small steps we can all take to help make our world and our long-term economic viability sustainable, vibrant, and safe.

Keep in touch by signing up for one of our two email update lists. Keep us informed about events and issues you are involved in. Please send us any comments, questions, or issues of concern to

Come along for the ride as we move from an idea to an organization and network of active, everyday citzens, taking responsiblity for promoting and sustaining a just, fair, and functional government.